Lakewood Dental Pediatric Clinic

How Nasal Breathing is Essential to Health

At Fox Point Dental, we're a kid-friendly, family-approved general dentist. From the moment you and your child step into our Lakewood dental clinic, we will take the time to listen and evaluate your unique needs, while focusing on making your little one as comfortable as possible. It is our goal to make a trip to the dentist a fun experience!

By bringing your child to the dentist on a regular basis, you are helping them develop habits to help avoid problems developing in the future. Oh, and if your child has his or her first teeth emerging, or, is under the age of 3 and has not seen a dentist yet, we would like to invite you into the our Lakewood, Colorado dental office for a free first dentist appointment - no further commitment required!

Pediatric Dental Care Services

Oral hygiene education

Educating parents and kids on how to best care for their teeth is the first step to setting up good dental health for life! It's also a common goal for all pediatric dental clinics. For additional reading about oral hygiene education, read the following article:

Fluoride strengthening treatments

Naturally occurring fluoride can be used to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent weakened areas from turning to cavities.  Sometimes it can even reverse cavities! For additional reading about fluoride strengthening treatments, check out this article:

A tongue-tie or lip-tie can impact feeding, speaking, sleeping, chronic pain, and a whole host of other issues!  We assess these in all ages if symptoms are present, from infancy to adulthood. For more information about tongue and lip tie procedures, see the following resources:

Interceptive orthodontics

A child’s teeth should have spacing between them!  When this isn’t present, we know from a very early age that the child will be looking at a long road of braces.  By intervening early, often with a removable night appliance, we can get that child’s development back on track and often shorten the time in treatment or eliminate the need for braces!

Rewards and prizes for great behavior, obviously!

Who doesn’t remember the prizes you got from your dentist?  We want your children to enjoy their experience, setting them up for a lifetime of happy dental visits!

Dental sealants

Protective tooth colored layer over deep grooves can help to prevent cavities when teeth first erupt in the mouth by sealing out plaque and bacteria. For more information about dental sealants at our Lakewood pediatric dental clinic, read this article:

Myomunchee habit eliminators and oral muscle strengtheners

By actively chewing this soft appliance, we can get the body’s innate optimal functioning back on track. The reflexive response Munchee triggers helps with jaw and mouth function, breathing, posture and sleep.

In 2017, the American Dental Association made it a dentist’s responsibility to evaluate our patient’s airways.  Sleep and breathing impacts not only fatigue, but your entire health.  We can help you put the pieces together and find rest and relief. If you're interested in learning more about sleep and breathing and its connection to oral health, see the following resources:

Sports guards

Dental sports injuries are no joke!  They can be painful, expensive, and time consuming.  Prevent them before they happen with a sports guard. To learn more about sports guards in Lakewood, read this article here:

Tooth colored, mercury-free material is used to repair areas where tooth decay or wear have caused cavities.  Many times this can be done without numbing! For more information about dental fillings in Lakewood, CO, read the following resource:

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is pediatric dentistry important? 

Early childhood dentist visits are important, as they help prevent tooth decay, encourage proper oral hygiene, and provide an opportunity to catch facial development issues early on.

Prevention and education are two of the most important treatments we can offer early on in order to develop healthy dental habits to last a lifetime. 

If your child has his or her first teeth emerging, or, is under the age of 3 and has not seen a dentist yet, we would like to invite you into the our Lakewood, Colorado dental office for a free first dentist appointment - no further commitment required!

What are the most common dental procedures in children?

Some of the most common dental issues we see in children are cavities, tooth sensitivity, and sports- or activity-related trauma. Most of the time, however, we see children for their twice-a-year checkups, and that's it! 

What is the main focus of pediatric dentistry?

The main focus of pediatric dentistry is prevention. We like to see our children early on so that we can begin to form good oral hygiene habits, and also to keep an eye on any development issues (such as tooth crowding, open bites, misaligned bites, or signs of mouth breathing). 

What age should I take my child to the dentist?

Based on a recommendation from the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, every child should see a pediatric dentist when their first tooth appears, or no later than his/her first birthday.

If your child has his or her first teeth emerging, or, is under the age of 3 and has not seen a dentist yet, we would like to invite you into the our Lakewood, Colorado dental office for a free first dentist appointment - no further commitment required!

Should we see a general dentist or a pediatric dentist? 

General or Family Dentists (Us at Fox Point Dental): 

  • Provide dental care for all family members, regardless of age
  • Can save time by seeing adults and children together, and can have a deeper understanding of the whole family’s health history

Pediatric Dentists

  • Provide dental care for infants through their teenage years
  • Are trained to treat special cases, including dental growth and development issues

Regardless of which type of dentist you choose, know that both types of dentists recommend starting dental visits by your child’s first birthday, and care deeply about you and your family’s overall and oral health. Learn more about choosing a great dentist for your family in this infographic here.

Dental cleanings (prophylaxis)

Normally recommended every six months, This professional service reinforces the home-care oral health regimen of brushing and flossing and gives our team an opportunity to locate areas in the mouth that may need special attention.

Oral cancer screening

We look for signs of cancer or precancerous conditions in your mouth. The goal of oral cancer screening is to identify mouth cancer early, when there is a greater chance for a cure.

Digital cavity detecting radiology

Low radiation option to look for areas of decay or pre-decay in between your teeth.


Tooth colored, mercury-free material is used to repair areas where tooth decay or wear have caused cavities.

Fluoride strengthening treatments

Naturally occuring fluoride can be used to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent weakened areas from turning to cavities.  Sometimes it can even reverse cavities!

Periodontal treatments

Periodontal disease is bad for your entire health!  Treating it every three to four months can help with chronic health issues.


Protective tooth colored layer over deep grooves can help to prevent cavities when teeth first erupt in the mouth by sealing out plaque and bacteria.

Tooth extractions

Gentle removal of a tooth that cannot be samed, a tooth extraction can get you out of pain or prevent infection.

Tongue-tie procedures

A tongue-tie can impact feeding, speaking, sleeping, chronic pain, and a whole host of other issues!

Ready to put your child on the path to good health?

Dentistry for children - Fox Point Dental

Fox Point Dental Office in Lakewood

13701 W. Jewell Ave, Suite 101
Lakewood, CO 80228